Daily Archives: March 24, 2014

The Revelation Given to John Through the Angel

Lesson Two continued

Again we are reminded that Yeshua is on his way.[i]Every day, every hour we watch in joyous expectation for his arrival. Every eye will see him and we will hear the trumpet call and meet him in the air. We will be eye witnesses of his final victory over sin and death – of all the evil that troubles this old world. Again we are reminded of who it is that we worship: the eternal Jehovah, the Sovereign strong. He is the eternal creator of all that is and rules it all for his glory. The earth, which groans now for its redemption, will have peace at last.[ii]

John suffered tribulation[iii]too, so he understands that his readers have reason to need encouragement. The prophesy is to assure the readers that we are under God’s care and protection, with a life of everlasting blessedness ahead, come what may, with the perpetual contrasts of the joys of the redeemed with the agonies of the lost. In verse 5 we are assured that Mashiach is on the throne, regardless of the condition of the world, and is able to control the leaders of the world, according to his perfect will.

As Barkley pointed out[iv]the events must happen quickly.

We must see the events of this prophesy against the background of the first century. And we must remember that worship is the main concern of the book. Watch for the poetry of the book and let is stimulate you to worship. Remember the hero of the book is our object of worship. Let the symbols, metaphors, images, and illusions rouse worship in you as you read.

Another thing to remember is the significance of numbers, especially the number seven. As Barkley pointed out, the number seven appears fifty-four times in the book of Revelation. The number seven has always been considered the number of completion and perfection: God’s number. It will be important, as we study the book of Revelation, to remember that the seven churches refer to the complete Church, the seven seals refer to the complete sealed prophesy that is complete at the last trumpet, and the complete disasters.[v] Barkley points out John’s careful presentation of god as the unchangeable Being. God is seven – perfection. Perfection cannot get better or worse. Perfection does not change.

The book of Revelation was written to the seven churches in Asia but these letters were to circulate among all the churches – the total Church – and since we know seven is the number of absolute inclusion the letters are addressed , we can be sure John was writing to the complete church through the ages. Therefore, we know the message is personal to each of us today. The letters are addressed to these seven churches in particular because John was responsible for them as their Bishop.

These seven churches are examples of the persecution directed at them; and they are examples of false teachings Satan had been enticing god’s people with from the beginning.

The letters to the churches have been applied to seven eras of the Church’s history, which may be based on narrow-minded ignorance or gossip, or may be correct. I personally think the former true.

To be continued

[i] Revelation 1:8

[ii] Romans 8:18-21

[iii] Revelation 1:9-17

[iv] Page 30, volume I

[v] Barkley, volume I, 35, 36 on the number seven, pages 37, 38

Running the Race as a Winner Day Twenty-one

Running the Race as a Winner

Day Twenty-one

Each day I am more like him

                                                       As I see his blessed face.

His glory is my light,

My way’s not dim.

I sit with him by grace.[i]

Because of grace, our status of condemned criminals waiting for a terrible sentence, changed to that of heirs waiting for a fabulous inheritance. Grace is the guarantee of the preservation of the saints. God’s love for us produced spontaneous kindness toward us, creatures fallen from the Creator’s rule for perfection, we were unclean and guilty in god’s sight – fit only for condemnation. [1] When we make something and it isn’t what we intended, we throw it out and start over; God love choose to redeem his creation instead of throwing us out. God’s love awakened our adoration in return; and our love, once awakened, desires to give pleasure. The revealed will of god is that those who have received grace should, from that day forward, give themselves to good works. Because we have received God’s grace, we are motivated to do as he expects.

As winners in the race we practice daily to match our position in Mashiach – our gift from the Father because of the un-influenced direction of his own will. We become more and more aware of what we have in Mashiach Yeshua and exercise that in our daily walk.[ii] We apply our place in the royal family to our earthly lives and live in our victorious standing by remembering that we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.[iii]We stand fast in the truth with a caring spirit toward the family of God.[iv] We make ourselves continually aware of the power of the gospel and the reality of God’s plan; and our lives and lips spread the gospel as a result.

We, winners in the race on the path of victory, are not terrified or surprised when our walk with Mashiach results in conflict with the world. We know that God works all things together in the intertwined lives of the Church – his body parts – so his name will be glorified in the world; and we preach Mashiach in the joy of that knowledge. We look for God’s hand in everything that happens in our lives and the lives of the rest of the royal family and constantly submit to the Spirit’s control.

Prayer: O Lord, I owe my life and my love to your grace. I pray that you would use that grace like a bond to keep my heart sealed to you. Thank you, Lord. I know that you do just that and I am safe and secure in your grace. And blessed be the name of the Lord God from this time forth and forevermore.

[i] II Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 1:9-12

[ii] Ephesians 2:1-10

[iii] Ephesians 2:19-22

[iv] Philippians 1:27-30